Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sample Letter Of Expiration

company presentation! Practicing

We are 18 weeks ... my mother, as time passes!

sa To those who "weeks" do not say anything, a pregnancy is 40 weeks (10 months of 28 days normal or 9 months).
Come on, I'm about 4.5 months.

During pregnancy everything is measured in weeks and days, for example, I am today (04/13/2011) of 17 weeks and 5 days.

This was the first echo, at week 7 (01/28/2011), when we found out we were pregnant. The embryo is a dot utero :-):

eco week 10 (2/15/2011) ... everything that my mother grew the embryo in these 3 weeks!

Here I present to you our precious baby 13 weeks (03/07/2011): 7cm long (Measured from head to Culillas)

internal organs Heart and 171 beats per minute! :-) It's normal for the baby's heart beat 2 or 3 times faster than the mom

This is a 3D echo (from 07.03.2011 - Week 13) but you have made a bit different from imagination. .. If you succeed in identifying the 2 little arms and 2 legs, then the head is perfect!
If you look, you see a baby wearing a pijama and a hat! What a luxury it is these placentas :-)

Here you have with 18 weeks (echo of yesterday, 4/12/2011) :-) We still do not know what will be, but everything is great: 2 arms, 2 legs hands and little feet, a huge head (like the daddy:-D) ... and is a big ! hahaha! And weighs 250 grams ! Ole ole how our baby grows!

I explain a bit different: the baby is face down, head right and left body. You see the spine, face, the tripilla ...

Now the baby is bigger, no matter its length but its weight. The weight is calculated from 4 values:
  • diameter
  • head circumference of the head circumference of the stomach
  • der femur length

The placenta can be in 2 different positions in a pregnant woman: before or behind. Mine is back which means I'll start to feel the baby move in a couple of semanillas ... (Between 20 and 24). If the placenta is behind, kicking the chair, hits the stomach and other internal organs of the mummy so the baby will "note" from Week 17 o 18. Con la placenta delante, los movimientos del bebé tienen que tener más fuerza para que la "patadita" atraviese toda la "grasilla" de la tripa de la mami y se sienta en la tripa de la mamá... --> Corrección en el próximo post !
Así que nada, un poquito más de paciencia! :-P

Pero la semana pasada ya noté algo: un talón o algo duro estuvo durante un par de segundos ae mi tripilla... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Si es que esto es toda una experiencia!! Qué bonito!! Cada día algo nuevo!!

Se supone que salimos de cuentas para el 16 de Septiembre... así que aún queda mucho! :-)

De momento no he engordado demasiado, unos 4 kilillos :-) Pero la tripilla ya va creciendo! De hecho ya me he tenido que comprar mi primera ropita premamá... jajaja! Qué ilusión!

Evolución del tamaño de mi tripilla y de mi peso

Estrenando ropita premamá (semana 18)

Qué es lo que llevo peor?? Que no puedo comer jamón !! joooooooooooooooo!! Pero bueno, ya le he dicho a mis padres, que en cuanto nazca el bebé quiero que me traigan! hahahah! :-)


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